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2018 Sexuality Pre-Conference Abstract Submission

SPSP Sexuality Pre-Conference

We are pleased to announce the 5th annual SPSP Sexuality Pre-Conference, which will take place prior to the annual meeting of the Society for Personality and Social Psychology on March 1, 2018.

The theme of next year's pre-conference is “Human Sexuality in Global Perspective.”

We are seeking submissions for speakers who would be interested in presenting their research at this event in the form of a 45-minute talk. Submissions are open to persons at any career stage. We are especially interested in talks that emphasize cross-cultural research and/or adopt a global perspective.

If you would like to submit a proposal for consideration, please submit a title and brief abstract (maximum of 200 words) below by July 31, 2017. 

On behalf of the 2018 SPSP Sexuality Pre-Conference Planning Committee: Justin Lehmiller, Dana Weiser, Karen Blair, Amanda Gesselman, and Amy Moors

Due November 15, 2017
3. Please provide your contact information. 
Career Stage - We welcome speakers from all career stages, but will use this information to help achieve a balance of speakers across career stages.