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GIFT 2018 - QI Education in Family Medicine Residency Programs:

This survey has been put together by the CFPC Section of Residents (SoR) and the CFPC Practice Improvement Initiative Group, as a part of the SoR Guide for Improvement of Family Medicine Training (GIFT) Project 2018. It is intended to address the perspective of residents on Quality Improvement (QI) education in Family Medicine Residency Programs across Canada, and the perspective of physicians in their first five years in practice on QI within practice and continued medical education. Our goals are to enhance QI curriculums and education within family medicine, improve how QI education is delivered, share QI resources, and encourage all of those within family medicine to engage in the practice of QI. 

Quality Improvement is defined as “A commitment to continuously improving the quality of healthcare, focusing on the preferences and needs of the people who use services. It encompasses a set of values (which include a commitment to self-reflection, shared learning, the use of theory, partnership working, leadership and an understanding of context); and a set of methods (which include measurement, understanding variation, cyclical change, benchmarking and a set of tools and techniques).” - Royal College of General Practitioners, UK


Thank you for taking the time to complete our survey!


-CFPC Section of Residents GIFT 2018 Working Group

1. Are you currently a Family Medicine Resident or  First Five Years of Practice physician?