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Parks Survey

2. What Sunset Point park space do you use most? *This question is required.
3. Overall  are you satisfied  with the current maintenance level of our parks? *This question is required.
4. If you have indicated no to question 3. Please answer questions 4 and 5. Otherwise please go to question 5

To reach your desired level fo service would you be ok with an X increase in taxes?
5. What are the top reasons for using our park spaces
6. Currently the village has the parks cut 7 times and the trails 3 times between May and September. Is this sufficient? *This question is required.
7. If you answered no to Question 6. Please answer questions 7-9. Otherwise proceed to question 11.

How frequently should the rail grade and beach accesses be maintained?
8. How frequently should Klinkhammar park be maintained?
9.  How frequently should the North Reserve be maintained?
10. How frequently should the Beach Accesses be  maintained?
11. Should private property(ie docks and boat lifts) be allowed to be stored on Municipal property?( The placement of these items can increase damage to the park areas and may increase the villages insurance liabilities)) *This question is required.
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