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Please help us improve the Government of Canada Website

The Government of Canada has asked Neo Insight help improve their website.  To do this, we invite Canadians to take part in 1-hour online website testing sessions. 

This is NOT a survey of your opinions or feedback. This survey helps us learn more about you, so we can invite you to research that you're eligible for. 

If you're eligible for a study, we will email you an invitation based on your answers to these questions. 

If you complete a test session with us, you will receive a 'thank you' gift for your time - usually a $50 or PayPal gift certificate.
Only those who participate in a web testing session will receive a 'thank you' gift certificate. There is no gift or compensation for completing this current survey. 

Your contact details and responses will be securely stored for up to a maximum of two years and will be used ONLY to invite you to take part in research to help improve the Government of Canada website. See Neo Insight's Privacy Policy for more details. 

1. Please provide the following so we can contact you if you are selected to participate in a study.   *This question is required.
Your information will be kept private, and only used to invite you to participate in usability research.  You have the right to refuse, and to have your personal information removed at any time. Your participation is strictly voluntary, and your privacy is protected by law. Please see our privacy statement. To verify the authenticity of this study you may contact the Government of Canada, or you may email